
MOL Liturgica: a new project in Manus Online in cooperation with the National Office for Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage and the Building of Worship.

Here below you find the news describing the project; it can be read in the BeWEb site as well.

A project for surveying, describing and digitizing handwritten missals produced until the Council of Trento (XVI century) and belonging to the Catholic Church has just launched; it is promoted by the National Office for Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage and the Building of Worship (BCE) and by the Central Institute for the Union Catalogue and for Bibliographic Information (ICCU).

A scientific and organizing Committee has been established; it shall look after the better result of the project during the three-year period 2023-2025; to this end, financial resources have been set aside and a specific description area is being implemented in Manus Online.

Moreover, a special area within the BeWeb Portal is being prepared, in order to give regular updates concerning the project.
In order to define the interventions and be able to get the most probable data concerning the missals owned by the Catholic Church written within the XVI century, it is of the utmost importance to collect all information as soon as possible.

BCE asks for the cooperation of Italian ecclesiastical libraries and institutions preserving missals by filling out this form within March 15 2023

Italy, Rome, Angelica Library, ms 1098, c. 269v